Thursday, September 30, 2010

Podcast Project # 8

The 3 Amigos Podcast about three high school science websites.

C4K #1 & 2 Summary Post

The first student that I commented on was Noah. He attends Noel Elementary School, and has written two posts on his blog. One about himself and the second one was his Manifesto Assignment. Noah has a very large family with a total of six siblings. Growing up he said he traveled a lot, but is currently living right on the Elk River. I commented back on his post talking about how excited it must be to travel so much. I also told him a little about myself, and how I only have two siblings.

Noah’s second post was his Manifesto Assignment. In this post he told us about his goal of one day joining the military. He also told us what he can do to become a better student; which included: respecting his teachers, doing his assignments, being on time to class, and following directions. I commented back telling Noah that all of these things are very important to accomplish the goals he wants to accomplish. I told him that having respect for his teachers and classmates is very important because in order to get respects from others, you have to give respect.

I really enjoyed following Noah’s blog. I love how the students in this class are getting an early start on learning about technology. This is only going to help them in the future!

Blog Assignment

Network Learning
The Networked Student

I want to first start off by saying that I love the creative in this video.  It was a different way to show us that technology is extremely important in today’s society.  Everything in this video is related to the 21st century.  It was an eye open for me.  I know understand how we as future educators are apart of this century where technology will be used everywhere!  Educators must realize how important learning about technology and teaching technology is in today’s world.

This video showed all kinds of different ways how technology can be useful within and outside of the classroom.  Students do not have to have pencils, papers, and books to learn.  Education is all over the Internet.  Why should educators bore students with reading material out of books and PowerPoint lectures, when the students can use scholar searches on the Internet to find professors from top universities discussions, websites, and blogs on the subject they are learning?  Learning is unlimited when it comes to technology, and I never understood this until this class!

With the help of EDM 310, I believe I am learning to be prepared to teach a networked student.  The learning for me doesn’t stop at EDM 310 though.  In order to be successful I will have to continue to learn about technology even when I am teaching my students. I will for sure use technology within my classroom, to show my student how useful resources that they have can be.  Technology is forever changing, and I am excited to see what it is has to bring in the future!

A 7th Grade Personal Learning Environment

This video of a 7th grade personal learning network was great.  I was so impressed with what all she had on her personal learning network.  I think this is great for students to have.  All the information the students need is right there in front of them.   What this 7th grader done inspires me to want to have my students do something similar when I become an educator.  It is amazing what technology can do, and what a student can learn from a small learning environment.  This video was extremely helpful, and gave me some ideas that I plan on using for my personal learning network.

The Machine Is Changing Us

This video was interesting.  Mr. Wesch has a lot of good points in this video.  He got me thinking about a lot.  He is right everything around us is changing.  He first starts off by using an example of the word ‘whatever’, and the changes in the meaning of words throughout different decades.  Then he talks about youtube and all the different videos that have been posted onto it throughout the decades, from songs to home made videos, youtube has advanced over the years.  He really got me thinking because at the end of the youtube discussion he brought to everyone’s attention that you don’t really know who are you are talking to when you talking, chatting, or posting videos.  You are talking to a webcam or typing on a keyboard, you don’t know actually whom you are talking to.  This concept brought more awareness to me.  I have never really thought about who I am really talking to. It’s crazy how youtube can connect people all over the world.  Together we can accomplish anything!  I liked the humor Mr. Wesch added in his video.  This video was excellent, and I really enjoyed watching it!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

Eagles’ Nest Radio Episode #3: Roamin’ with the Ancient Romans

This podcast was phenomenal! The third graders in the picture look so excited and accomplished! I love how the podcast was set up as a radio episode! The music in the background was very entertaining and went well with the topic of the Ancient Romans. The third graders were so clear and enthused. I also really like how they broke down the topic into history, architecture, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and gladiators. This is awesome, and I now know different ways to get my future students’ involved in technology. What a great way to get students’ involved, out of their classroom desk, and excited about learning!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale

This podcast was very beneficial. It gave feedback from the students, teachers, and principles. This podcast caught my attention when it said most of the children born after 1980 is millennial. This is very true technology is very big in today’s society. Using a podcast allows differentiation in the classroom. A teacher can us a regular podcast or a vodcast; which is a podcast video. It can be used for more visual learners. A podcast is helpful within a classroom because everyone can be involved teachers, students, principles, and parents. Podcasts can be easily added onto blogs and students can help out other classmates by commenting about the podcast. The biggest benefit I learned about in the video was how a podcast can help tremendously if a student is out sick. This was an excellent video, and was very helpful and informing for me as a future educator.

The Education Podcasting Network

I feel that this would be very helpful in getting started on a podcast. I feel like with podcasting becoming more and more common in school systems, then there should be more websites like these that helps educators and students. This network will have great resources for teachers when it comes to planning their lessons. I really liked how on the side of the page it had different podcast for different school subjects. I also think it is a great idea that most of the podcast on this network are from teachers sharing their beliefs, passions, knowledge, and insights on subjects that mean the most to them. This network has great potential to grow since technology is becoming more common in the school system.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Post #4

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
Dr. McLeod is the Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Iowa State University. He and Dr. Joan Hughes established a national technology program, C.A.S.T.L.E. that makes sure that the education system is using technological requirements in the schools.
I liked this post. He is right about not matter how much parents try to shelter their child; their child is still going to be exposed. I believe that the parents have a big role in teaching their child how to use technology and the Internet, versus parents just trying to keep their child from the Internet completely. Technology is a major part of the society today, and is the children of the future don't know how to use it then they will have a hard time progressing.
The iSchool Initiative
In this video Travis Allen explains his idea of an “iSchool”. He tells viewers about all the educational applications one can get from an iTouch. Some of the applications he mentions that would be beneficial are Email, Chemical Touch, U.S. Constitution, WorldWiki, U.S.A. Presidents, Star Walk, Formulae, Recorder, Scientific Calculator, Notes, Calendar, Classics, and iHomework. The idea of the iSchool would save money and have a good effect on the environment. He tells us that teachers, parents, and students would have access to school related things at all times.
Travis did and excellent job on researching the material before he made his video. He let viewers see the cost of schools supplies that one might spend versus the price on an iTouch. With technology advancing I would not be surprise to see the idea of an iSchool in the near future.
Watch the Lost Generation
I loved this video, and I like the way it was presented. After hearing the speaker read the entire speech, I was concerned. I thought, "is this really what some people think of life?" Then she started to reverse the speech and read it backwards, and I was relieved. At the same time I was thinking, "this is so cool!" The speaker did a great job getting her feelings across! It was really creative and put together well.
Eric Whitaker’s Virtual Choir
All I have to say is AMAZING! It’s hard to believe that a 185 different people from several different countries were able to come together through technology and do this! It is unbelievable that technology has advance so much, that we have the resources to bring all these people together for an amazing performance! Eric Whitaker did an awesome job putting this together and making the performance so great! I would have never expected that getting 185 different people together through technology could create something so outstanding! Good job Eric Whitaker!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

A.  What are the educational implications of searches such as Google Squared provides?

Google Squared provides different tables that can be adjusted to your need. Things can be added or deleted as needed.  Everything represented in the tables are presented in statistics, summaries, maps, and articles.

B. What are the educational implications of searches such as WolframAlpha provides?
The educational implications of using WolframAlpha provides summary of information and statistics a lot like Google Squared. The example I searched on WolframAlpha was population in the US and in the Bahamas.  WolframAlpha showed different graphs that compared the two.

C. Did you know about Google Squared before this assignment?

No, I did not.

D. Did you know about WolframAlpha before this assignment?

No, I did not.  I really enjoyed WolframAlpha, the search bar was very helpful.

E. Reread your comments about Did You Know. Have my comments altered your thinking about anything you saw, heard, read, or reported for the Did You Know assignment? If not, say so. If so, describe how in as much detail as necessary.

Yes, it did.  In the video "Did You Know", all we seen was numbers and statistics.  We never saw the different population sizes, and other facts that would affect our opinions.  It is easy to just see what's on a video, and believe it without reseaching, and without fully thinking about the information that is given to you.

F. What did you learn from this exercise about how you react to and deal with "statistics"?

I learned that there are many ways to reseach what you are trying to find.  Not only should you look for just ne statistic you are trying to find, but you should also look for other statistics that might effect what your looking for.

Pitcairn Islands:

Pitcairn Islands map

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #3

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

My college experience, has sort of been much like this video. My classrooms are fairly large with many students in my lecture classrooms. Most of my teachers do however, know of me, and can put my name with my face. This is because I email my teacher frequently and always participate in class lectures. I believe that everything is based on how far the student is willing to go. Those students who put forth effort and take out time to meet and communicate with their professor, are the students who want to learn not matter what the classroom is like. Those students who take advantage get more out of the class. A person who is interested and wants to learn will typically make the effort. Effective teaching methods and technology can make this process much easier. With assignments, test, lectures, and quizzes online a student can attain whatever they do not get out of the class.

I would like to see more statistics within this video, to me that was very interesting. I would also like to see statistics and thoughts of different age groups. Elementary and middle schooler’s thoughts and opinions would interest me more beings that is the field I am going into.

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines

I agree with Kelly Hines article. There is a big difference between teaching and learning. Educators must be able and willing to do both. Don’t get me wrong I believe technology is very important, but at the same time what is technology without good teaching habits? Adding technology to classrooms without an objective is not going to fix most problems in schools today.

I loved with Kelly Hines said “the teacher teaches with learning in mind.” This is very true. Teachers must be learners. Teachers today do have to be up to date on current things happening. They also have to know where the students are coming from before entering their class. Every student is different, and every student will not learn the same. It is the teacher’s responsibility to reach out and learn how to better teach the students in their class.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

I agree with Karl Fisch. Teacher’s today should know as much as possible about technology. Technology and know how to use a level of that technology consistent with the educational objectives that they are teaching. Technology today is very important in today’s society, and students must know about technology in order to be successful in today’s world. Students must know and understand that technology is forever changing, and realize how helpful it can be if they would just take advantage of opportunities that they are given.

Karl’s post is extremely entertaining and really makes you think. He lets educators know how important it is to experience technology, learn technology, explore technology with and without your students, both inside and outside of the classroom. He makes a good point when he says, “you need to demonstrate continual learning, lifelong learning – for your students or you will continue to teach your students how to be successful in an age that no longer exists.” I agree 100% with this statement…technology is changing, and we both educators and students need to know how important it is to understand it.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

This is unbelievable! These statistics change every single second! I can only imagine how drastic these numbers will be when we become educators. This means as educators we have to be able to understand technology to a whole different number! From blogs, to facebook, to YouTube, we will have to know about it all. It just goes to show you how technology continues to change and increase every single second!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summary Post C4T #1

The first post I watch by Caren Carrillo’s was called Multiple Intelligences. It talked mainly about the different ways students learned. Each student is capable of learning the curriculum they just need to be taught in the way they can understand it. She broke down seven different learning patterns: verbal, logical, visual, kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligences. While talking about each learning pattern she emphasized on how educators can incorporate technology to those learning styles.

I really enjoyed watching the video on Multiple Intelligences! I loved how Caren tied in technology with the different learning styles. By breaking down each learning style she helped other educators understand the importance of understanding technology. I liked how she gave examples of different ways to teach those students who have different learning patterns. This is an excellent most. I recommend when you get any free time to go watch it at her page,

The second post I read on Caren Carrillo's page was called: Classroom Management: Commercial Breaks and Attention Spans. This was a short post, but very interesting. Caren told us that one's attention span can be estimated at student's age + 5 = attention spans in minutes. From that she broke down how she teaches her students in a 55 minute class period. She starts off by having a brief five minute warm up activity for the students; which allows her to take roll. After that time, she starts off the class with lecture her teaching material for the day. These lectures last for about 15 minutes so that her students don't start getting bored. Then she goes on for another 15 minutes reviewing the material in a different format; like videos or Venn Diagrams. She believes after those 30 minutes students are normally wanting to talk. So she normally tries to break down the students into groups for some kind of group activity related to the subject. For the last 15 minutes before being dismissed, she has the students work independently so she is certain that each individual knows the materials covered that day. She ends by saying that even though the students will not admit it, she is certain they are grateful that she is working with their attention spans!

I really liked reading this post. Caren is right about students having short attention spans. I like the idea of changing up what a teacher is doing in the classroom every 15 minutes! The breaks you give throughout the class time stays on topic of the discussion you started out with, and keeps the students interested! The structure Ms. Carrillo gave on her page is great, and I plan on keeping these techniques in mind when I become a teacher!

Project #5: Google Presentation!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Assignment #2

Did You Know?

This video was unbelievable! I cannot believe all the different statistics that were brought to my attention! It’s hard to believe how different other countries are compared to the United States. India has more honor kids than the United States, and China is expected to become the number one English speaking country in the world! Sixty-seven babies were born in the United States in a 4:56 minute video! That is unbelievable, and then it tell us that within that time three hundred and ninety-five babies were born in India! That just goes to show you how quickly our country and the world is growing!

Not only is the world’s population increasing at a dramatic rate, but so it technology! It took 38 years for radio, 13 years for TV, 4 years for Internet, 3 years for Ipod, and 2 years for facebook to reach an audience of 50 million. I had no idea that the first commercial text was sent in December of 1992, but in today’s world the number of text message that are sent or received exceeds the population on the planet! That is a lot of texts! It is hard to believe that by the age of 38 most people have had 10-14 different jobs, and that with technology changing so quickly we are being prepared for jobs that do not even exist! This video was very interesting and opened my eyes to a lot! There is so much I do not know!!

Mr. Winkle Wakes

I thought this video was funny! Technology has changed tremendously! Mr. Winkle wakes a hundred years later only to find changed everywhere. He sees how technology can be used in a variety of ways. Business people can use technology to have conferences with people all across the world. Hospitals use technology to keep humans alive, and to find out what is wrong with patients. He learns how extremely important computers are to many people around the world.

This video made me very appreciative of technology and computers, even though sometimes they are difficult to use! It scary to think how technology is only going to continue to advance even more in years to come, but on another note I very grateful that they are! Who knows what new technology advances we will have in ten years, or what our children, and their children will have!

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

This video brought out some very good points. Sir Ken Robinson speaks about how he believes that schools are killing creativity. No one knows the future, but in today’s society we are taught about the current needs. Sir Ken Robinson tells a story about a young girls drawing, and he makes a very good statement. When kids are young they are not worried about being wrong or embarrassing themselves. As they get older and grow up their creatively and opinions change or disappears because they are so worried about what others will think.

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson. Schools do kill creativity in many. Educators are so worried about teaching what is happening in today world. Creativity is something that is not taught. Humans are born with creativity; the problem comes in when it comes to people expressing their creativity. The older we get the more afraid we are of being wrong and making mistakes.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts

This video is great for educators! Vicki Davis is dedicated to teaching her students to learn through technology, and I think this is excellent! Going in to EDM 310 I was scared because I am not good with computers, and technology! Dr. Strange told the class from the very beginning that that is ok, that we are here to learn, and not everyone knows and has the answers. Through his class so far I have learned many new ways to use technology to advance my learning. To be an educator you must understand that not every child can learn the same way. There is a ton of different ways out there to teach students. ALL students are capable of learning; they just need to be taught the way that they learn best!

I believe using technology is a great way for students to learn. To me is gives children a more “hands on” way of learning, and prepares them for future classes, jobs, and responsibilities. Vicki Davis is a teacher who is committed to helping her student learn things that are not going on just in our country, but all around the world. Technology is only going to continue to grow, and Vicki Davis is doing and excellent thing by teaching her students through technology.